• Question: why do vaccinations give you side effects?

    Asked by game520opah on 28 Jan 2025.
    • Photo: Kerry Gordon

      Kerry Gordon answered on 28 Jan 2025:

      If we eat something, drink something or inject something into our bodies, that “something” is likely to have several effects on us. Some of those effects are deliberate (desirable), whereas other effects will be less desirable.

      As an example, consider eating dinner on a regular basis (daily). The deliberate effect of putting food inside your body is to fill you up or, at least, to take away your hunger. Generally speaking, food does that rather well. But what about the undesirable effects of eating dinner regularly – are they any? What about possible indigestion? Putting on weight? Tooth decay? These don’t happen to everyone who eats dinner regularly (most of us), but they do happen to some of us on occasions – these are the side effects.

      And so it is with vaccines and other medicines. These have their deliberate (desirable) effects as well as their side effects. For example, consider getting an official COVID vaccine with a single dose from a needle into your arm – these vaccines have proved to be rather good at protecting you from catching COVID (their deliberate effect). But the dose entering your arm is an unrecognized molecule to your body – and, when your body spots any unrecognized molecules, it tends to react – here come the white (attacking) blood cells to take a look … and all those cells coming together, in the very area of your arm where the needle went in, cause … guess what … swelling. That’s the side effect.

    • Photo: Mimi Asogwa

      Mimi Asogwa answered on 7 Mar 2025:

      Any foreign substance in our body will have side effects. Its the case with medicines which are supposed to cure diseases but can also have some side effects and this varies from one person to another based on age, predisposing conditions etc. its the same for vaccines, they are designed to offer protection against diseases but can have side effects and in most cases are mild eg fever, rash swelling. These effects may stem from your body building up immunity against a disease.
