• Question: what was your first ever science project

    Asked by dust520rhos on 20 Jan 2025.
    • Photo: Eleftheria Stavridou

      Eleftheria Stavridou answered on 20 Jan 2025:

      My first ever science project was during my university degree. I investigate if the climate in north-east Greece is suitable to grow Miscanthus to produce biofuel. But unfortunately, it wasn’t the best environment

    • Photo: Carly Bingham

      Carly Bingham answered on 20 Jan 2025:

      I remember one in primary school where we grew cress seeds on paper towels soaked in different liquids – I did normal water and washing up liquid – to see if there were changes in growth. I don’t think anyone will be surprised to learn that cress doesn’t grow well in washing up liquid!
      The first experiment that I planned and carried out all on my own was in Year 13 for an extended project qualification – I investigated the best paper aeroplane model by changing paper type, paper size and folding patterns, I then booked the school hall and measured how far they flew, how straight they flew and how long they were in the air to decide which was best.
