• Question: What use does AI affect on humankind

    Asked by here520yoga to johneaston, helenajeffery, aureliabrzezowska on 26 Mar 2025.
    • Photo: John Easton

      John Easton answered on 26 Mar 2025:

      AI will change a lot of things though it’s not really new. There is already a lot of things out there that some people might call AI – think about chatbots and NPCs in games as examples. What we will see is a lot more of it happening in all aspects of life. A lot of jobs will change in a big way as AI assistants and agents become more commonplace. The jobs won’t necessarily go away, but what a person might do and how they do it will change a lot.

      What does this mean for humankind as a whole? I suspect it’s too early to tell. I don’t think it will be anywhere near as “bad” as a lot of the media are suggesting. I do worry that people are making decisions about this who don’t really understand what AI is and can do. The best way to prepare for this, is to know what AI can do and what it CAN’T do very well. That way you will understand what things are true and what is what we might call “fake news” 🙂
