• Question: What makes us human?

    Asked by Scientist123 on 4 Nov 2024.
    • Photo: Martin McCoustra

      Martin McCoustra answered on 4 Nov 2024:

      Our genetics make us human.

    • Photo: Ruth Pegington

      Ruth Pegington answered on 5 Nov 2024:

      Good question! There are so many answers to that: biology, humanity etc, so many factors all combined. Also, you could look up Theory of Mind. So many factors to consider!
      If I was to give the scientific answer I’d say it’s coded in our DNA, that’s what makes us human.

    • Photo: Sarah Montgomery

      Sarah Montgomery answered on 20 Mar 2025:

      Some studies have suggested that even though they can communicate, animals tend not to ask questions. So perhaps the size of our brains gives us curiosity about the world, and that separates us from other species?
