• Question: What is your favourite animal?

    Asked by nada520prep to Larissa Chicoski, Karen E, heatherthompson, Chloe L, Evelyn M on 15 Jan 2025. This question was also asked by east520waes.
    • Photo: Larissa Melo Chicoski

      Larissa Melo Chicoski answered on 15 Jan 2025:

      I really like cats, it is like have a little lion at home!

    • Photo: Heather Thompson

      Heather Thompson answered on 16 Jan 2025:

      Working at a zoo, people expect me to choose something weird and wonderful, but my actual favourites are goats and rabbits! If I had to choose an exotic animal, it would have to be Komodo dragons because they are just generally all round cool with their amazing sense of smell and impressive size.
