In one of my research projects, my participants heart rate was recorded using ECG sensors. These are sticky tabs that you put on different areas of the skin. To get a good reading the skin needs to be clean and free from hair. I actually had to help one of my participants shave little bits of his chest hair off so they would stick!
In Nigeria I worked as a Lecturer at the University of Ahmadu Bello, in a large town called Zaria. One Friday night, I was challenged to walk the 50 miles from Zaria to Kaduna, the next town. I actually accepted the challenge and so another chap, Dave, who thought he could do it and I set off from Zaria Post Office at midnight. Dave gave up after 29 miles, but I finished it in 18 hours and 10 minutes. The people who challenged me supported me after midday by stopping every 2 miles and providing me with orange juice. I’ve never done anything like that since!