• Question: What is the main difference between apes and humans ?

    Asked by fast520yoga on 11 Mar 2025.
    • Photo: Zoe Vance

      Zoe Vance answered on 11 Mar 2025:

      Technically speaking there isn’t one – humans are apes! Apes is just a particular grouping of primates that we fall into. But you’re probably asking about differences between humans and all the other apes. We’re really pretty similar in the grand scheme of things – we share about 96-99% of our DNA with chimps depending on how you measure it. But we do have larger brains, walk on two legs and have more advanced language. Why exactly humans are different like this is still a pretty active area of research – it can be very hard to figure out why evolution went in a specific direction when it happened thousands or even millions of years ago.
