• Question: What happens in a black hole.

    Asked by runs1yare to Vicky F, Tom K, Rodrigo B, Lisa M, Jo, Hannah, Ayla on 27 Mar 2025.
    • Photo: Vicky Fawcett

      Vicky Fawcett answered on 27 Mar 2025:

      The short answer is, no one knows!
      Black holes have so much gravity that nothing, not even light, can escape. This means that once you fall into a black hole, even if you were travelling in a rocket that could travel at the speed of light, you would not be able to escape and tell us what you saw!
      Even if we send in a drone that could send signals (like radio) back to us, the signals could never escape the black hole because they also travel at the speed of light.

      So unfortunately it is one of the Universe’s great mysteries – we’ll never know what is inside a black hole.
