• Question: What happens after deaths

    Asked by went520mown on 13 Nov 2024. This question was also asked by near520muon, each520trot, shadowmilkcookie, gest520yuca.
    • Photo: Martin McMahon

      Martin McMahon answered on 13 Nov 2024:

      Not a field of science that any of us have direct experience of, but in the physical sense, and depending on how our bodies are treated, if left to nature then we steady decompose, leaving mainly just a skeleton (our bones).

    • Photo: Martin Pike

      Martin Pike answered on 20 Nov 2024:

      Biologically death is when an organism stops functioning as a unit. It is far easier to recognise than it is to define.

      As an atheist, I do not believe there is any existence after death, just as there is nothing before conception. Your life is all you get – make the most of it!

      Ironically if you were to measure the amount of life/physiology in a body around death, there would only be a brief dip in activity around death of the organism, as there are many parasites and commensuals that change roles to be part of the decomposition process. I rather like the notion that my molecules and atoms will be recycled into other forms of life…I may become part of a tree. I just won’t know it.
