• Question: What got you into the job?

    Asked by nest520demo on 17 Dec 2024. This question was also asked by hunt519ores, feed519myth, just520saps, hunt520errs.
    • Photo: Artemis Eales

      Artemis Eales answered on 17 Dec 2024:

      I ended up in a marine science position because my university offered marine biology courses. I initially started university to work in human genetics, then swapped into general biology because organic chemistry made my brain hurt. Then I took a marine biology class for fun, and it got me hooked (no pun intended) on the subject! That inspired me to continue with marine science, and to apply for postgraduate research positions – which is where I am now!

    • Photo: Claire Sycamore-Howe

      Claire Sycamore-Howe answered on 17 Dec 2024:

      I have been a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry since I was a student, since I started at university in 2011. They are a professional body, which means that they support their members in chemistry and support the profession. I was working for the University of Warwick and in 2020 got moved into another department because of the pandemic, I wasn’t very happy and saw a job come up at the RSC. They have a really good reputation as an employer! I wanted to stay in chemistry but I wasn’t too keen on working in the lab, this is perfect as I use my chemistry knowledge and get to work with amazing researchers and educators without being in the lab myself.

    • Photo: Carly Bingham

      Carly Bingham answered on 19 Dec 2024:

      I went to university to do general engineering with the idea that I wanted to work on Formula One cars. When I realised I wasn’t very good at it and found other areas of engineering more interesting and easier to do, I started going to lectures where different people talked about their jobs and learnt about medical or bioengineering. I then signed up for a mentoring scheme to get some more ideas about the kind of science and engineering I could do and was lucky enough to be paired with a Clinical Scientist – and this seemed like an ideal mix of the things I liked to do!

    • Photo: Caroline Roche

      Caroline Roche answered on 20 Dec 2024:

      I found out about control systems in my second year at university and ended up diverting my course so I could study them. Once I graduated, I applied for a few different jobs and one was for control systems in the nuclear industry which I ended up taking.

    • Photo: Amal Lavender

      Amal Lavender answered on 18 Feb 2025:

      i’ve worked since i was 14 – paper round, shops etc; i then always worked in my summer holidays for various companies – it wasnt until i did my internship with P&G in my 3rd year of University that I thought this was somewhere i wanted to go back to! i highly recommend internships for you to see what it would be like to work somewhere as well as the company seeing if you too are a match.
