• Question: what are other medical reasons, besides poor hand hygiene, for the transfer of multidrug-resistance organisms from one patient to another?

    Asked by seek520most on 3 Dec 2024.
    • Photo: Kareen Macleod

      Kareen Macleod answered on 3 Dec 2024:

      Some medical conditions make you more susceptible to infection. Like auto immune disorders, or cystic fibrosis, or other lung issues, for example. Some medical conditions make you less able to fight pathogens than other people, so you are more likely to develop infections. Contamination of the environment is an unfortunate way that organisms are transferred from one patient to another also.

    • Photo: Santosh Mahabala

      Santosh Mahabala answered on 14 Jan 2025:

      One of the prominent reasons is inadequate use of the medication.
      For example, a patient is prescribed to use antibiotics for a month. The patient starts to feel better after using the medicine for a week. The medication started to kill some bugs. If the patient stops taking the medication as soon as they starts to feel better (not completing the course), the remaining bugs will develop resistance to the medication.
      So, always (unless specified by the doctor), use complete course of antibiotics.
