• Question: is it hard to slove prombelms for sciecne and engerring?

    Asked by seek520kaes on 20 Mar 2025.
    • Photo: Martin McCoustra

      Martin McCoustra answered on 20 Mar 2025:

      This is one of those questions with both a yes and no answers. If you don’t understand the science or engineering problem then they can be very difficult to solve but once you have the relevant training at school, college, or university then solving problems can become really easy. That where learning is important.

    • Photo: Daniel Friedrich

      Daniel Friedrich answered on 21 Mar 2025:

      It can look hard but with training and experience you can often break difficult problems into smaller sub-problems which are easier to solve.

    • Photo: Pete Webb

      Pete Webb answered on 24 Mar 2025:

      Not so much hard as challenging. There’s a lot we know and there’s a lot we still don’t know. The important thing is to prioritise what we don’t know and try and solve problems that really matter and then select to work on those where we know we have the tools to solve them. In doing so, we often stumble across potential solutions to the problems we thought we couldn’t solve.

    • Photo: John Grasmeder

      John Grasmeder answered on 25 Mar 2025:

      It depends. Some problems are easy to solve, some are not. Some need lots of science and engineering understanding – and for some, we have not figured out all the science and engineering yet, which can make them very difficult to solve. So science is a lot about learning new things and discovering new science and engineering so we can solve more and more problems.
