• Question: Is being a scientist your favourite job or would you rather do a different job

    Asked by Allanah on 24 Sep 2024. This question was also asked by much520wary.
    • Photo: Rachael Eggleston

      Rachael Eggleston answered on 24 Sep 2024:

      It’s hard to say, because I haven’t done very many other jobs! But out of the jobs I’ve heard of and done, being a scientist is definitely my favorite.

    • Photo: Michael C Macey

      Michael C Macey answered on 25 Sep 2024:

      I definitely enjoy being a scientist and having a job that lets me teach and do research – my only other jobs were working a paper round (12-16), working in a supermarket on the tills and deli counter (16-21) and work experience in a book shop (16) and in the civil service (23). Based on that and my parent’s experience working (Dad in an office and Mum in a charity shop) I think I am happiest in science.

    • Photo: Camilla Cassidy

      Camilla Cassidy answered on 25 Sep 2024:

      I really love my job, and wouldn’t trade it at all! That said I think a lot of people learn more about what they like and so do different jobs over time to follow their interests as they discover new ones, so lots of people like all their jobs even though the one they used to do might be very different to the one they do now!

    • Photo: Martin McMahon

      Martin McMahon answered on 4 Oct 2024:

      Yes, definitely Yes. I’ve had loads of great things to do as a scientist.

    • Photo: Michael Schubert

      Michael Schubert answered on 4 Oct 2024:

      I’m a scientist and a writer. My favourite job is both! I wouldn’t want to do anything else, but I also wouldn’t want to give up the science OR the writing. I love that my job has both parts!

    • Photo: Luke Fountain

      Luke Fountain answered on 21 Nov 2024:

      As others have said, most of my job experience has been as a scientist, though I did work in a cinema for a couple of years when I was at university. Being a scientist has always been my dream, as has working at NASA – now that I do both of these things, another job that could compete would be hard to find! I still have my eyes on becoming an astronaut though, which I think is the only job that could beat my current one, and still continuously work towards that goal – never say never!

    • Photo: Martin McCoustra

      Martin McCoustra answered on 4 Dec 2024:

      I wouldn’t want to do anyting else!
