• Question: If you had a chance to go back and change your line of work, would you or would you stay and why?

    Asked by knew520unco on 21 Jan 2025.
    • Photo: Zoe Vance

      Zoe Vance answered on 21 Jan 2025:

      I don’t think I would change where I’m at now. I might take a slightly different route? I went into biology initially and while I’ve stayed in bio research I’ve moved into a much more computing and statistics heavy area of it than my degree necessarily prepped me for! I think I might go into maths/stats/computing if I could go back just to really lock in those hard skills, I think the biological facts of your current project are probably easier to pick up on the go. I would maybe also do more science communication work earlier on because I really enjoy it and have only started doing that in the past couple of years, but overall I’m pretty happy where I’m at!
