• Question: How old were you when you started astronomy

    Asked by rush520voes to Vicky F, Natasha P, christinaschoettler on 27 Feb 2025. This question was also asked by rung520voes.
    • Photo: Vicky Fawcett

      Vicky Fawcett answered on 27 Feb 2025:

      I was 18 when I went to University to study maths and physics. When I was 20 I did a Masters degree (1 year project) in astronomy, studying planets around different stars. After this I did a 4-year PhD, which is basically a long research project, looking at extremely bright galaxies powered by massive black holes. After this I continued to do astronomy which is what I’m still doing today!

    • Photo: Christina Schoettler

      Christina Schoettler answered on 27 Feb 2025:

      I always loved astronomy, but was in my early 30s when starting this as a career (studying at university) after changing the path I was on originally.
