• Question: How did so much life appear on our planet when others seem devoid of any species at all?

    Asked by emoore on 3 Dec 2024. This question was also asked by each520trot.
    • Photo: Lisa Mullan

      Lisa Mullan answered on 3 Dec 2024:

      That’s a question that is keeping lots of scientists busy! Earth has a protective atmosphere which keeps us safe and we have developed what is called a carbon based system of life. Lots of the searchs for other life forms are also looking for those that use carbon as thier main chemical source. It could be that there are other life forms using different chemicals and we just haven’t found them yet. Or we are just really lucky to live just the right distance away from the sun – not too hot and not too cold!

    • Photo: Pete Webb

      Pete Webb answered on 17 Dec 2024:

      Because we have just the right conditions, and they have remained just right for around 3 billion years. During that time, evolution has resulted in a handful of species of simple lifeforms becoming millions of lifeforms, simple and complex.

    • Photo: Zoe Vance

      Zoe Vance answered on 26 Feb 2025:

      As the others have said it’s basically because things were just right for life to appear and also that it happened to do so – I don’t think life appears out of non-living things very frequently because we haven’t found convincing evidence that there are multiple sources for the living things on the planet now.

      Lots of things have to be right for us to be able to be here. One cool thing that contributes to more complex life being able to exist here that you might not think of is that the earth has quite a strong magnetic field compared to some of the other planets. This protects us from harmful radiation that the sun throws out.
