• Question: do you only research about Alzheimer or also other neuroscientific diseases?

    Asked by MaxB to Sophie P, Katharine G on 25 Feb 2025.
    • Photo: Sophie Powell

      Sophie Powell answered on 25 Feb 2025:

      I don’t personally research Alzheimer’s disease, but I used to research Huntington’s disease and Niemann Pick type C disease which have some similar symptoms. All these diseases are neurodegenerative, meaning the brain starts off healthy and then function starts to get worse and worse over time.

      The disease I’m researching at the moment is a rare neurodevelopmental disease called PURA syndrome. This is different as it causes the brain to not develop correctly while a baby is growing in the womb. I am trying to understand this disease better, so we can help doctors choose the best treatments for the disease that benefit patients the most.
