Generally yes, maths is useful – however, I didn’t do maths beyond GCSE and have managed fine! Depending on the type of science that you do, you will often get training in specific maths techniques relevant to your field later on – I do a lot of statistics and data analysis now, but we were taught it all at University.
I agree with Rachel, it depends what kind of science you want to do. To be a vet I need to have GCSE maths but it’s not essential to do A Level maths. As a researcher, I sometimes use statistics, which use some advanced maths principles, but not every vet will use these in their job.
melissau commented on :
I agree with Rachel, it depends what kind of science you want to do. To be a vet I need to have GCSE maths but it’s not essential to do A Level maths. As a researcher, I sometimes use statistics, which use some advanced maths principles, but not every vet will use these in their job.