• Question: Do u think there will ever be a cure to cancer?

    Asked by near520muon on 28 Jan 2025. This question was also asked by draw520cory, feet520much.
    • Photo: Laura Barker

      Laura Barker answered on 28 Jan 2025:

      I’m not sure there will ever be a ‘cure’ as there are so many different types, but we’re working towards eliminating cancer as a cause of death

    • Photo: Hayley Pincott

      Hayley Pincott answered on 12 Feb 2025:


      I’m not sure if we’ll ever prevent cancer, however I think with all the amazing research going on I think in the future we will be well on our way to reducing the number of people who get diagnosed. If we look at the positive impact the HPV vaccine and there is a lot of research going into using a virus called a bacteriophage in diagnosing and treating cancer. Researchers are doing so much work and looking at different aspects of cancer from early diagnosis, better treatments and possible “cures” such as vaccines.

      So while all these brilliant scientists are doing all this research then there is plenty we can do to help reduce our risk of getting cancer, such as a good diet, excercise, not smoking and limiting alcohol intake. Although this won’t prevent anyone from getting cancer it will help to reduce the chances of anyone getting cancer.
