I don’t really remember doing science in primary school to be honest! I remember seeing some experiments but never doing much myself. I only started to take an interest when I went to high school. Up until then Maths was always my favourite subject
I’m similar to Blair – I guess I always did it at primary school but I don’t remember anything really significant. I started to love science in high school as well, particularly when we started learning about the separate sciences and I found the bits I really enjoyed.
I remember doing a few experiments in primary school that I really enjoyed – we grew watercress in different environments and measured to compared how well they grew. I had one set of seeds in normal water and one in water with washing up liquid – the normal water ones did much better!
I also remember that we had some wires, mini lightbulbs and batteries to make circuits with and that was great fun seeing how many lightbulbs we could light up on one battery and seeing how dim they got as we kept making the circuit bigger and bigger..!
I don’t remember doing proper science at primary school, but I loved learning about new things and how they worked. I had some great teachers who were always happy to show us new things.
I don’t remember doing much science in primary school, but when I was in primary I remember I had a harry potter potions kit which I loved playing with. Maybe that’s why I ended up studying chemistry!