• Question: are you the smartest in you class or were you

    Asked by hays520dace on 21 Mar 2025.
    • Photo: Andreea Claudia Toma

      Andreea Claudia Toma answered on 21 Mar 2025:

      For me, there’s no such thing as the smartest or dumbest student; they’re simply different points of view depending on each person’s or student’s interests.
      I considered myself smart in chemistry class because I found it easier to understand what the teacher was explaining, but I wasn’t as smart in technical drawing or English classes, while other friends and classmates felt the opposite. The important thing is to find your calling and do something that makes you happy.

    • Photo: Martin McCoustra

      Martin McCoustra answered on 26 Mar 2025:

      At high school I was always best at chemistry while a girl in my class was always best at physics. We alternated as to who was best at Maths. As with many Scottish schools, the top students were awarded a prize called the Dux in year 5. I was Male Dux and the girl was Female Dux. We found out at the prize giving that we were second or third cousins and we hadn’t know!
