Questions with the keyword 'life'
do u think venus and mars had life at 1 point
by peke520bark to Viviene DC, Vicky F
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How did we form into humans
by kune520yoga and 1 other.
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are aliens real
by MinaD and 1 other. to rebeccawarrilow, Paul, Martin M, maha, bharatsinghrawat, Ben D, Alessio S
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does everything need some sort of bacteria to live/survive and what would the world be without germ bacteria
by gars520hogg
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How were Adam and Eve made if you need a female human to make a human
by task520yoga
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why do planets exist
by tree520murr
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how did life begin
by task520yoga
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how has being a scientist affected your life? @all
by vast520woof and 1 other.
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would you like to change anything about your life if you could?
by acme520gags
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Have you got any ideas about living on mars
by menu520suqs and 1 other.
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