
Steven Brown
About Me:
Curious and optimistic.
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I live with my wife and kids in a town just outside of Glasgow. We spend a lot of our time together as a family and like to explore the great outdoors. I’m a musician and collect memorabilia from the Back to the Future films. My wife likes one of those two things.
My pronouns are:
My Work:
I work in the exciting world of ‘patient and public involvement and engagement’. It’s all about teamwork. It’s when everyone in a community joins forces to make sure that everyone stays healthy and happy. Your ideas and opinions matter, and by getting involved, you help make things better for everyone!
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I bring together researchers and members of the public to work co-operatively to produce better research.
My Typical Day:
Eat whatever cereal is not out of date and keep it light in the morning, with simple tasks like email until I can squeeze in a nap instead of a lunch break. Then, once I am rested, I move on to activities that demand my complete attention – like planning events, writing reports, and meeting with people. I am awake a lot during the night with a baby..
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Eat whatever cereal is not out of date and keep it light in the morning, with simple tasks like email until I can squeeze in a nap instead of a lunch break. Then, once I am rested, I move on to activities that demand my complete attention – like planning events, writing reports, and meeting with people. I am awake a lot during the night with a baby..
What I'd do with the prize money:
I would create a board game that makes people happy.
I started at Calder Primary School and Braidhurst High School in Motherwell. This opened up the chance to go to University, which is exactly what I did – but only as all of my friends were doing this. Though they seemed to know what they were going to do and why, I had no idea whatsoever.
I believe it was a Higher A and 5 Higher B’s.
Work History:
It seems like every University in Scotland, and quite a few in England, too. I have also worked for a few medical research charities, too.
Current Job:
Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Specialist.
Heriot Watt University.
My Interview
What did you want to be after you left school?
Were you ever in trouble at school?
A few punishment exercises here and there towards the end of High School - but nothing major.
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
I would write kids books or design soft play equipment.
Who is your favourite singer or band?
What's your favourite food?
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
Waste. Less. Time.
Tell us a joke.
What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear..