
Ruth Aldred
About Me:
I am a nuclear physicist. My job involves modelling nuclear reactors and demonstrating that they are safe to operate. I love travelling, exploring and reading.
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I live with my partner, 3 year old and baby. I love travelling and exploring and normally find somewhere exciting to go on holiday. In my free time I like climbing and cycling when the weather is nice, and reading when it’s raining!
My Work:
I specialise in reactor physics and use computer models of nuclear reactors to demonstrate that they are safe to operate. I work in research and development – growing our knowledge and understanding of the nuclear reactors so we are able to answer questions and solve problems in the future.
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Since starting work I’ve always tried to have a balance of different types of work. I love doing ‘number crunching’ – running computer models and analysing data. However, I also get lots of satisfaction from understanding the bigger picture and listening to people’s problems and working out solutions.
My Typical Day:
I am normally in work by 8am. My typical day normally involves a couple of meetings with different experts (often held remotely now), performing some analysis or writing a report. I normally have a tea break mid morning and then an hour break for lunch. I go to the office about once a week.
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I start work at 8am as I’m working from home so I just need to roll out of bed and I’m in the office! This means I can finish work at 4:30pm and I have the rest of the evening to myself.
I work in research and development. There is normally a couple of meetings with different industry experts – no one works in isolation so it’s good to get different opinions from lots of different people. I spend a lot of time planning what analysis might be needed in the future and talking to different experts to understand their needs. I also do some of the analysis myself.
I normally try to keep a few hours aside for technical work (otherwise you spend your whole day talking to people and not actually getting anything done!). This might be thinking really hard about a problem, or something a bit more routine such as inspecting some computer code for bugs.
When I’m in the office I normally go for a tea break with my colleagues – it’s nice to catch up face to face! If I’m working from home I try to get out for a walk at lunch time.
What I'd do with the prize money:
Develop a computer game that can be used to understand how to control a nuclear reactor
Chepstow School
University of Exeter -
My Interview
What did you want to be after you left school?
I had no idea!
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Not really, just got on with things!
What's your favourite food?
Chilli con carne