
Ling Lim
About Me:
I’m a research scientist at Manchester Metropolitan University. I live near the border of Cheshire with my husband, 2 teenage kids and 18-year old cat.
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My 18-year old cat
I love to read, watch TV/movies and Geocaching. Geocaching is like a treasure hunt and is available all over the world! So far, I’ve done 88,644 km on my Geocaching trail.
My pronouns are:
My Work:
I look at the environmental impacts of planes.
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My job looks at how planes affect the air we breathe (air quality) and changes the weather that we experience (in the longer term this would be climate change).
This includes:
- calculating aircraft emissions (what comes out of the engine),
- the effects on air quality and climate, and
- how to reduce them through technology, operational improvements and sustainable fuel.
It is important because flying connects the world and this is unlikely to change. People will always have the desire to experience the world. So, we need to find ways to reduce the environmental impacts of flying.
My Typical Day:
I’m an early riser, so I start work around 7 am (at home or at the university). My day starts in front of the computer – sorting out emails! Then, virtual meetings – mornings for UK/European projects and afternoon with North American research partners. In between this, actual research work! I usually stop work around 4 pm (unless the North American calls run long!).
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Most of my work is done on a computer, with calculations done by computer programs that I write. Sometimes, I go back to basics and do calculations by hand or with a calculator (to check that my program is correct!). These programs calculate things like emissions for present day flights or forecasted flights in the future.
I also spend a lot of time on the phone with colleagues from around the world. We are working on a solution to a very global problem.
What I'd do with the prize money:
One of my current research area is to look at the effects of particles (from aircraft and other sources) on human health. With the prize money, I will buy particle sensors for schools, so that we can monitor exposure levels on pupils. They can also learn more about the topic and explore ways on how to improve air quality around them.
Up to Y11 (equivalent): Secondary School in Penang, Malaysia
Y12 and Y13: Further Education College in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
First degree and PhD: University of Surrey
GCSE-equivalent: English, Maths, Additional Maths, Physics, Chemistry, History, Accounting, Malay Language, RE
A-levels: Maths, Further Maths, Physics
First degree: BEng in Civil Engineering with Computing
PhD: Environmental Science and Engineering
Work History:
Research Associate (Manchester Metropolitan University) with tasks including:
- Carried out air quality assessments for local authorities and airports
- Aircraft emissions/climate research for Department for Transport and (formerly) Department for Trade and Industry
Manchester Metropolitan University
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Study sustainable aviation
What did you want to be after you left school?
Civil engineer
Were you ever in trouble at school?
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Software developer
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Take That
What's your favourite food?
Fried rice
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
Travel the world, transporter technology (like in Star Trek!) so that I can travel anywhere in the world in an instant, take my cat on holiday!
Tell us a joke.
Q: Why don't aliens eat clowns? A: Because they taste funny!