
Katharine Webb
About Me:
I live in London with my husband and two-year-old son. I love running, baking and trashy TV.
My Work:
I’m a cancer doctor, currently taking time away from hospitals and seeing patients to work in a lab researching prostate cancer.
My Typical Day:
I often do some lab work in the morning, extracting DNA from cells or preparing them for DNA sequencing, and admin and writing or preparing presentations in the afternoon.
I went to an International school in the Netherlands
International GCSEs, International Baccalaureate
BSc, MBBS -> medical school qualifications
MRCP, FRCR – professional qualifications
MSc – further qualification
Work History:
Worked as a junior doctor in multiple specialties (GP, A&E, surgery, internal medicine, paediatrics) and then specialised in oncology (cancer)
Current Job:
Now working as a clinical research fellow doing a PhD in prostate cancer research
Institute of Cancer Research, London
My Interview
What did you want to be after you left school?
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Occasionally if I was a bit bored in lessons!
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Dietician or bakery owner
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Taylor Swift or Robyn
What's your favourite food?
Mac and cheese
Tell us a joke.
A fish swam into a wall. Dam!