
John Grasmeder
About Me:
I’m an industrial chemist and materials scientist working on materials used in smartphones, cars, aeroplanes and even in people’s bodies. When I’m not working I like cycling, cooking and motor racing.
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I live in Cheshire and have 2 grown-up children. I got into chemistry when I was at school because I loved mixing chemicals and doing experiments, watching things change colour, bubble away and make weird smells! One of my hobbies is cookery, which is really just chemistry in the kitchen! My favourite food is pizza but I like cooking new recipes, especially cakes. I like travelling and I used to live and work in Germany which was fun because I had to learn to speak and write in German. I keep fit by cycling and running and I also like walking in the hills. I like seeing live music. I have a little red sports car which I polish up and then display at some motor racing events like at Silverstone and Oulton Park.
My pronouns are:
My Work:
I work for a company near Blackpool which makes new materials for phones, cars, aeroplanes, fixing broken bones and loads of other things.
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I work in Research & Development, inventing new materials to solve our customers’ problems. Our end customers are companies like Boeing, Airbus, as well as car and smartphone companies. The materials we make are based on a very special type of plastic called PEEK which can be used to replace many metals. We use the PEEK to make fibres, films, pipes, carbon fibre composites, gears and medical devices. Most people use our materials but don’t know it. For example, we invented a special type of PEEK film called APTIV which has been used in over 4 billion smartphones. PEEK is also used to make gears in cars, and some of the wire insulation in electric cars. PEEK composites are much lighter than metals and are used in aeroplanes to save weight and fuel. PEEK is also used in the human body: there are over 15 million people who have had PEEK implanted in them to reduce pain, and improve their mobility and quality of life. And if you have anything made by Dyson, like a vacuum cleaner or a hairdryer, you’ll find our PEEK in there too. Often when the customers’ problems are difficult to solve, I work with universities to find the answers.
My Typical Day:
I get up at about 6 and exercise before breakfast. Then I’m off to our offices and labs. I meet with other scientists to talk about our projects. I get asked lots of questions about the science of our materials. I come up with new ideas about how to make better materials, in the labs and in our factories. I have meetings with universities as they can help us with this. I get back home about 6.30.
Edward Francis Primary Schools, Rayleigh, Essex
Westcliff High School, Westcliff, Essex
Southampton University
GCE’s – 10 in all
A levels – maths, chemistry, physics
BSc. Chemistry, 1st Class – Southampton
PhD Chemistry – Southampton
Work History:
Baker, Sainsburys
Research Scientist, ICI – working out how to stick paint to car bumpers
Senior Research Scientist, ICI – making car interiors scratch-resistant
Product Development Manager, BASF – developing new plastics for Tupperware and DVD boxes
Marketing Manager – selling plastics for cars and electrical equipment
Business Director – running 3 businesses selling plastics for piping, packaging & medical implants
Technical Director – leading a team of over 100 people developing new materials for all sorts of things
Current Job:
Chief Scientist
Victrex plc
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Makes new materials
What did you want to be after you left school?
An astronomer
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Once or twice, usually for messing around in the labs...
Who is your favourite singer or band?
What's your favourite food?
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
Good health, happiness and a long life
Tell us a joke.
Because light travels faster than sound, some people appear very bright before they speak...