
Jodie Nadal
About Me:
I am Trainee Clinical Scientist, working in Nottingham City Hospital. I live in the countryside, with my family and cat. I love to run, obsessed with Harry Potter and eating cake!
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It has always been my goal to work in genetics, ever since I learnt about it in year 11. I found it so interesting to learn how we could find out how we inherited our looks, personality, interests and any diseases from our parents.
I am a bit of a geek, loving all things science and love to keep learning about genetics. I read New Scientist (a science magazine) when I can.
As well as science, I love to go running, and currently training for a 10k run. I am finding it hard, but the achievement will be worth it in the end.
I love to spend time with my friends, and usually spend that time eating tasty food and having a good chat! We also organise to go travelling with each other from time to time, which is one of my favourite things to do! So far my favourite place that I have been is St Vincent in the Caribbean! The people are so friendly, and food tastes so good!
I also love Italian food! Pasta always makes things better.
My favourite music band is Imagine Dragons, and have followed them since 2014. I’ve been lucky enough to see them in concert!
I have struggled with confidence and anxiety (still do) especially with exams and assignments. But I have learnt some techniques to help me with this, and thank fully it hasn’t stopped me from doing what I love to do!
My pronouns are:
I identify as a woman, she/her.
My Work:
I work in the hospital, looking at patient’s cancer DNA to see if we can help them have better treatment.
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After going to uni for a lot of qualifications and a lot of bumps along the way, I have found my calling with the NHS, where look at a patient’s cancer and see how the DNA has changed, which can help doctors decide how to treat the patients
My Typical Day:
I have to have breakfast first thing in the morning. I can’t think properly without it!
After travelling to work, I will start looking at what patients urgently need their results to be reported.
I will spend a good majority of the day at the computer, analysing data.
But as I am training to be a Clinical Scientist, I study and learn new topics related to Cancer Genomics.
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My working day is 8am until 5pm. I travel to work by an electric car and park just outside of the hospital, then I walk to the hospital.
A typical day as a clinical scientist in Cancer Genomics starts with meeting with the team to talk about the day’s work. We have to make sure that urgent patient samples are at the top of our list.
We like to check in with our technology staff to make sure they have everything they need to be able to do their job.
Scientists spend a lot of time at the computer analysing data after computers have finished looking at patient samples. It is our job to make sure the data is reliable, reproducible and accurate.
We also write reports to doctors to tell them the results of patient samples.
I tend to have a lunch break at 12pm for about 30minutes where my work friends and I catch-up about what has been on the TV.
In addition to data analysis and report writing, clinical scientists spend time trying to improve the service so that our patients receive the best possible care. This might be applying a new technique or asking for new equipment.
As I am a student, training to be a Clinical scientist, I have to spend a lot of time learning, so some weeks, I go to university, or go to other laboratories to learn.
I have to make sure I know about a lot of different types of cancer and how genetic testing can help doctors treat their patients.
Southwell Minster School until year 13
I got 1 C in Biology, 1 B in Chemistry and 1 B in Maths for my A-level.
Keele University (through clearing) for my undergraduate in Biochemistry and Human Biology
University of Nottingham for Masters in Oncology
University of Nottingham for my PhD in Medicine
University of Manchester for my Masters in Clinical Sciences for my scientific training programme.
A – English Lang/Lit
A – Maths
A – double science’s
A – music
A – French
C – German
A – PE
A – RE
A – Graphic design
I got 1 C in Biology, 1 B in Chemistry and 1 B in Maths for my A-levels (AS levels – B in music)
Undergraduate degree in Biochemistry and Human Biology – 2:1
Masters in Oncology – Pass
PhD in medicine – Pass
Work History:
Worked in a university lab as a Lab technician
Worked in the NHS Genomics laboratories in 2015, and came back in 2019.
Current Job:
Trainee Clinical Scientist since 2022
My Interview
What did you want to be after you left school?
Something to do with Genetics
Were you ever in trouble at school?
When I was in year 3, and I think in year 9, on a school trip!!!!
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
I would have also liked to have been a teacher. One time I did think about traveling and teaching
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Imagine Dragons
What's your favourite food?
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
I would love to build my own house. Be able to go travelling when I wanted. Keep my family safe and healthy