
Claire Smith
About Me:
I live near Brighton and love understanding everything about the human body- I’m still learning lots. I love swimming even in the cold sea.
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I have always been active and interested in the body. I used to do alot of dancing and wanted to know why my muscles were sore and what they were called. I was never top in the class- but always interested in the body and health and disease.
My pronouns are:
My Work:
As an Anatomists my role is to teach and research about the body in health and disease.
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So my work probably has a few core things.
- Teaching about the body to medical and health care students. This may be in a lecture, or in a pretend clinical setting e.g. using ultrasound. Or it may be in a laboratory- more on that in a bit.
- Teaching surgeons in the laboratory.
- Researching aspects of the body.
- Writing text books and things that help people.
- Looking after the legal side of the laboratory.
So what is the laboratory?
In the lab, I work on dead people who have very kindly donated their body to science. Each year I work with about 60 deceased people. I cut into them and help surgeons and students do the same. YES- sometimes it is gross.
My Typical Day:
Wake up- go swimming. Have a coffee. Mornings are more usually in the office, answering emails, having meetings and then after lunch I might change into my scrubs and spend the afternoon in the lab.
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No two days are the same. My work can be very variable. Some days teaching, preparing for teaching, writing. Some days no lab work. Other days in the lab all day.
What I'd do with the prize money:
I have heard that Lego might be making a Lego skeleton. So I would buy that to use in lots of teaching sessions.
Bournemouth- yup by the sea..
12 GCSEs
3 A levels
1 Bsc
1 PGCert
1 PhD
Work History:
St Georges Hospital London
Southampton University
Current Job:
Professor of Anatomy, Brighton and Sussex Medical School
University of Sussex
My Interview
What did you want to be after you left school?
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Ummmm yes...
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Yoga Teacher
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Guns and Roses
What's your favourite food?
Curry- i'm vege
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
Healthy, Happy and have fun.
Tell us a joke.
why did the skeleton go to the party on his own? Becuase he had no body to go with!