
Christie Waddington
About Me:
Im a scientist from Kent, now living in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. I’m the only scientist in my family, and I love running, board games and singing (I’m in a band!). Currently watching the new Avatar series on Netflix and loving it!
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I live in Gateshead (the other side of the river from Newcastle!) in near the Tyne Bridge. I’m the eldest of 5 girls (!) and am the only member of my family in science! I have always loved human genetics – it was one of the areas of biology I just naturally understood. I had to work a bit harder on ecology and plants!
I’m a member of a local running club, the Saltwell Harriers, and particularly love running in the countryside. I was on Blue Peter when I was 10, I sing loudly when I’m cooking and I used to compete for GBR in fencing.
I’ve worked in industry doing drug testing, for the NHS testing patient samples for cancer, did a PhD in genetics and now work as a scientist making drugs for clinical trials – I have worked in many different science jobs!
My pronouns are:
My Work:
I lead a team of scientists to work out how to make large amounts of medicines so that doctors can use them for clinical trials. I use biochemistry, engineering, biology and maths everyday!
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I work at Fujifilm Diosynth Technologies as a Technical Project Leader. I lead a team of scientists from different departments to develop a process to purify medical drugs at small scale, and then work out how to make it at a large scale so doctors can use the drugs for clinical trials. Depending on what clinical trial, the clients may need just a little bit, or they may need a lot.
Drugs are proteins, and cells can make proteins, so we use cell culture to make our drug and we then purify the drug by removing cell impurities through various methods. We then test the medical drug at the end to make sure it’s ok for use in humans.
My Typical Day:
I wake up at 6.30am, to leave the house at 7.15am. It takes me about 1hr to get to work (I like living in Newcastle too much and don’t want to move house!). I start work at 8.30am, where I check emails and start looking at data from my team. I’d spend the morning going over the data, replying to emails, checking in with my team and discussing next steps. I have lunch with friends at work, and in the afternoon I typically would have meetings with our customers to present our data and the progress of their project, write instructions for experiments and reply to emails. I go home at 5pm and am home for 6pm!
What I'd do with the prize money:
At my company we host schools and universities to explain to them what we do, how we got into science and educate them about how our science works. I would love to get more props and equipment that we could use to carry on educating the next generation of scientists!
King’s School, Canterbury (1999 – 2004) – I went to the Junior school from the age of 8, and then the Senior school for GCSEs and A levels.
Gap Year: Budapest, 6 mths (training with national team) and working in a cafe.
Newcastle University (2005-2008, 2009-2017).
GCSEs – 9 x A, 1 x A* (inc. separate sciences).
A levels – Biology, Maths, Latin (ABB).
Classical Studies BA (2:1 with Hons),
Human Genetics (1st with Hons),
Masters of Research in Mitochondrial Biology and Medicine (Distinction)
PhD in Mitochondrial Genetics.
Work History:
Debenhams Cafe, Barista – 2004 – 2005.
Newcastle University Sports Centre, Sports Assistant – 2008 – 2009.
Wetherspoons Pub, Bar/Kitchen Staff – 2006 – 2007, 2009 – 2011.
Academic Placement (Voluntary) – July – Sept 2010.
Covance – Industry Placement. 2011 – 2012.
NHS – Lab assistant 2011, Genetic Technologist Summer placement 2012, 2013.
Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies – 2017 – present.
Current Job:
Technical Project Leader
Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies, UK.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Sociable, sporty, geeky!
What did you want to be after you left school?
Originally, a doctor. But I found genetics too interesting!
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Yes! I was given a 3hrs detention for having a water fight in a classroom.
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Probably the NHS as a biomedical scientist to help diagnose people.
Who is your favourite singer or band?
What's your favourite food?
Cheesecake… or Peanut Butter Cups.
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
Be happy, Love your job, win the Olympics.
Tell us a joke.
What did the biologist wear on his first date? Designer jeans.