
Alyson Downham
About Me:
I’m an electrical/ electronic engineer, working as a Delivery manager/ scrum master on various railway projects, supporting various STEM activities where I can. I enjoy baking, getting out and about and going camping with my family.
My pronouns are:
She/ her
My Work:
I work as a delivery manager on London Underground projects but have spent most of my career as a signalling designer/ manager.
My Typical Day:
I work part time Tues – Thurs, my day starts anywhere between 8 – 10am depending on what the day has planned. My day consists of many meetings to discuss various aspects of the project and how it is progressing, dealing with any problems along the way. My day finishes anytime between 4-6pm based on what is going on that week.
What I'd do with the prize money:
I would buy some STEM kit to support various outreach engagements I am working on at work
I obtain 9 GCSE’s at school and progressed to take A levels in Engineering, Maths, Physics and Engineering drawing. Maths and Physics were essential to pursuing a degree, any other A level to go along with these would have been suitable, but luckily I was able to take the 2 I did.
Whilst taking my A level I applied for a sponsored student role with Pirelli cables, I thought it was a great opportunity to work in a real engineering environment and also to get my fees paid for my degree. The sponsorship required me to work for a year with the company to I got to work on a variety of real projects and use what I had learnt in my A levels whilst developing practical skills. Real life experience made me realise how much I really did want to be an engineer. I undertook my degree on a full time basis and was able to work for Pirelli in the holidays. I tool an Electrical and Electronic Engineering degree, as I did not really know exactly where to go after but knew these would give me broad knowledge in an area I was interested. I completed my degree and due to the company relocating I decided I would seek a graduate programme. I applied for many, and fortunately I gain a place with Tube Lines. My work here followed a similar path to what I had done on sponsorship, rotating round various placements getting an overview of many roles on the underground. Placements was a great opportunity to build my network of contacts and try different roles. I focussed on signalling, something I didn’t even know existed before I joinned. I undertook specific training for this roles and have to develop my knowledge by working on different projects. I worked on many signalling projects such as expanding the train network to 7 cars on the Jubilee Line. The Jubilee and Northen Line upgrade projects, increasing the number of trains we can get on the line, Northern Line extension expanding the network to Battersea Power Station plus many others. All projects are quite long but I have alsways learnt new skills and developed my knowledge. I started on these projects and a very junior signaller and worked my way up to be managing sections of the signalling upgrade works.
Throughout my career it has been imporatant to develop communication skills and you work with various stakeholders at various levels of expertise. Being able to understand the needs of the projects and the contraints is a key factors and if in doubt ask.
Today I am working as an Engineering Delivery manager using all the skills I have developed over the years and still working with people I met right at the beginning of my career. Building these foundations in the beginning has supported me throughout my career.
9 GCSE’s
4 A Levels
Honours Degree in Electrical and Electronic engineering
Work History:
Sponsored Sudent Pirelli cables: 1998 – 2002
Graduate student Tubelines: 2002 – 2007
Signalling Engineer: 2007 – 2010
Signalling Manager: 2010 – 2021
Engineering Performance manager: 2021 – 2023
Scrum Master/ Engineering Delivery Manager 2023 –
Current Job:
Scrum Master/ Engineering Delivery Manager
Thales GTS
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
cycling, multi-tasking engineer
What did you want to be after you left school?
Were you ever in trouble at school?
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Baker or architect
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Can't pick a favourite
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
To remain healthy, to be successful in challenges I take on, to have enough money to provide for my family and have a few treats along the way for life.
Tell us a joke.
I'm a terrible joke teller - what's brown and sticky = a stick