• Question: what is your favourite part about being a scientist?

    Asked by wage520paps on 25 Sep 2024. This question was also asked by ArvinCFC, BEN, daws520jeer, days520jeer, page520muon.
    • Photo: Rebecca von Hellfeld

      Rebecca von Hellfeld answered on 25 Sep 2024:

      The amount of freedom I have in choosing what I want to focus on. Of course we all need to do certain things, teaching, writing reports, etc. But overall, I get to decide when I work (as long as the work is done, noone minds), whether I spend all day in the lab or reading about a new method, and how I do things.

    • Photo: Mimi Asogwa

      Mimi Asogwa answered on 18 Dec 2024:

      There are so many great things about being a Scientist.
      You get to travel to tell people about your work,perform exciting experiemnts in the lab, you learn so many new things, interact with other scientist, use various equipment in the lab and so many others things.

      What I like the most is the dept of knowledge gained.
