• Question: is there anything we can do to stop litter going into our oceans and causing climate change

    Asked by grew520agee on 16 Dec 2024.
    • Photo: Artemis Eales

      Artemis Eales answered on 16 Dec 2024:

      We can talk to local representatives (like MPs and MSPs), and organise litter picks! We also need to move towards using more sustainable materials, instead of single use ones like plastics.

    • Photo: Karen Edwards

      Karen Edwards answered on 17 Dec 2024:

      You can stop using single-use plastics and pick up litter when you see it. You can walk or cycle as much as possible and only drive when absolutely necessary.

    • Photo: Pete Webb

      Pete Webb answered on 17 Dec 2024:

      Yes, we can behave more resonsibly. But will we?

    • Photo: Dave Cornwell

      Dave Cornwell answered on 15 Jan 2025:

      Yes, by not having so much disposable packaging in our daily lives.
