• Question: What will you do with your prize money?

    Asked by yerk520putt on 20 Sep 2024. This question was also asked by HelloPeople :].
    • Photo: Erin Pallott

      Erin Pallott answered on 20 Sep 2024:

      I run a blog with the aim of helping other PhD students learn about science communication (how to talk about science to different people). I would use the prize money to improve the blog’s website, give my team access to training, and provide prizes to the students who make the most progress.
      Having some funding would help me reach many more students to give them the opportunity to learn new skills and inspire them to take part in programmes like this!

    • Photo: Hannah Scholes

      Hannah Scholes answered on 23 Sep 2024:

      I am also a Brownie Leader and STEM Ambassador outside of work, so I would love to be able to use the money to run an activity/challenge day to give young people an idea of what life is like as a Biomedical Scientist. My idea was to set up different challenges and activities to help figure out what is wrong with different “patients” and act as medical detectives – finding the missing puzzle pieces to help the doctors diagnose and treat them. There might also be a badge at the end of it (I’m a Guider – I love a good badge!)

    • Photo: Cathy Fernandes

      Cathy Fernandes answered on 29 Sep 2024:

      I would use it arrange a meeting with students in my university to tell them about ‘I’m a Scientist’ and encourage them to join!
