Question: How has modern technology affected the way you work and the way different things are explained. Has it helped you to improved your knowledge of some unexplained mysteries of science?
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Asked by next492sup to oluwaseunakinade, melissau, Louisse M, Jarrod H, Hannah, Fiona G on 10 Mar 2025.Question: How has modern technology affected the way you work and the way different things are explained. Has it helped you to improved your knowledge of some unexplained mysteries of science?
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Andrew M commented on :
In my own area, it’s access and sharing of data. Modern IT systems allow me to access the wisdom and expertise of colleagues around the world to solve problems more easility. It gives me access to huge volumes of data from our production plants globally in real time, and provides the tools to analyse it. We can now see more clearly what affects our manufacturing and control it better, making much less waste and fewer production failures, so our products, which are sold to create environmental benefit come with fewer environmental costs.